Affirm Your “7” Limitless Resources


Use this affirmation/declaration/proclamation daily!

It outlines the 7 limitless resources that have been given to you, or that are now on their way for you.
It reminds you of all the great things that you have at your disposal.
It identifies the amazing things in your life that you need to be grateful for.

And it prepares you for a life of abundance.

Amend as required.

I give thanks for and take advantage of the following numerous and boundless resources in my life:

• To help fulfill my mission
• To help fully realize my vision
• To help achieve my goals
• To help manifest my dream life

1. Great People – an extensive and supportive network of friends, acquaintances, partners, and associates

2. Wonderful Mentors and Coaches

3. Ample Money and Financial Resources

4. Extensive Skills, Knowledge and Abilities

5. Special Talents and Aptitudes

6. Unlimited Potential and Determination

7. Helpful Angels, Spirits, and Guides.

This or something better still.
For my highest good and that of everyone around me.
So be it!
Thank you Source Energy.

Keep manifesting  😆

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How to Write Your Vision

Why do you need to have a Vision Statement?
Why should you have one, and is it really just a waste of time?
Well, if you don’t know what you want, how will you ever get it?
You need to be clear about what you want and what you expect.
When you achieve this clarity of vision, when you define it, you can then more easily manifest it.
Once you define it, you release and let go.
And let the Universe, through the Law of Attraction, work for you.
Yes, you need to do your share of the work.
And it starts with defining who we are and what we want.
That’s your Mission [Purpose] and our Vision.
First – Mission [check out my blog on this].
And once you define your life purpose/mission, you can then take the next step.
It’s developing your Vision.

What are the items that you might want to address in your vision?
How about such things as:
• Relationships, love, marriage, family, and friends
• House and home
• Travel and transportation
• Self-development and education [courses and learnings]
• Experiences, recreation and use of free time
• Career, livelihood, business, job and community contributions
• Prosperity, money, finances
• Success and achievement
• Material things, clothing, jewelry
• Spirituality or religion

Start by jotting down your personal vision for yourself in the areas noted above.
If you already have a vision for yourself, then you can add, delete, amend and expand to your heart’s delight.
And it’s done in the affirmative. Nothing negative.
Let’s use a process that was taught to me by life coach Mary Morrissey in her Prosperity Plus and Prosperity Plus II courses.
It starts by expressing gratitude prior to each statement in our vision.
Gratitude for each area in which you are now manifesting abundance, or where you intend to.
For example: I love, I am thrilled, I am so joyful, I am grateful, I am so happy, I am so thankful, I am so pleased, I am overjoyed, I am so appreciative…
Followed by: that…….
Let’s take a look at some samples or templates.
They will be very loosely modeled after my own personal vision.
Here we go:

I am so grateful:
• that I have found inner serenity and peace
• that each day I can challenge myself to stretch my limits and step outside of my comfort zone
• that every day I am a little better than the day before in thoughts, words, and actions
• that I am able to do all that I enjoy and all that I want to be doing

I love:
• that I am a fit and healthy, x lbs. /kilos, strong and flexible, sober, drug-free, energetic, vibrant and mentally alert;
• that I exercise/work out/stretch/jog/run/ bike/swim/walk/hike, do Tabata/yoga/pilates/spinning daily;
• that I experience refreshing/relaxing/rejuvenating/renewing/restful sleep each night;
• that I consume only quality nutrition and eat healthy meals and snacks;

I am so thankful:
• that I have a special and sacred morning routine which includes meditating, visioning, reflecting, praying, affirming/proclaiming/declaring, mirror working, journaling, and reading uplifting/spiritual/metaphysical literature every day;
• that I regularly express loving, forgiving and grateful thoughts, affirm peace, joy, beauty, compassion, truth, and abundance;
• that loving kindness and healing energy flow through me to all who need it;
• that I consistently deny fear, anger, and doubt, and clear out judgment, criticism, negativity, and blame;
• that I regularly release feelings of resentment, disappointment, condescention, condemnation, fault-finding, disapproval, regret, guilt, shaming, and self-pity;

I am thrilled:
• that …. and I are living in a fully paid beautiful townhouse/apartment/bungalow/mansion/duplex/ranch/ home in a friendly and welcoming development/community/neighborhood in the city/town/village of…., by the lake/stream/river/ravine/park in the mountains/desert/country.
• that we own a great cottage/cabin/chalet/camp/condo/time-share/ at …..where we vacation for a week/month each summer/winter/fall/spring.

I am so joyful and thankful:
• that I have excellent, fun-filled and rewarding relationships with my family – husband/wife/lover/partner/spouse, our daughters/sons/children and their husbands/wives/partners, grandkids; pets; relatives; numerous friends, mentees, acquaintances, co-workers/staff/boss and business associates.
• that I have ample time and money allowing me/us to regularly travel to beautiful destinations, and wonderful places, including ……..
• that we are taking ocean and river cruises and are spending relaxing times in gorgeous accommodations, including hotels, cottages, and resorts around the world.
• that I am enjoying riding my motorcycle/ATV/scooter/e-bike and driving my 4WD SUV/convertible/sedan/hybrid/van and sports car, and that …… and I go on an annual extended road trip.

I am so happy:
• that I am taking on-line and in-class courses, at home and around the world
• that I am learning more about the Law of Attraction, metaphysics/spirituality, abundance, natural health, prosperity, yoga/tai-chi, visualization/manifestation, meditation, personal development…. and playing my musical instrument.
• that I find ample time to sing in my choir, attend theatre, concerts/lectures/seminars/workshops and trainings and meeting of my club or organization/company/school/team /church/spiritual community/group, play my favorite sports/games/musical instruments, practice my hobbies/avocations and participate in………
• that I/we frequently visit galleries and museums and regularly watch quality movies and inspiring TV series/documentaries
• that I regularly read educational and uplifting books, magazines, e-zines, and newsletters, visit positive blogs/ websites, listen to motivational and healing audios and watch helpful/energizing videos
• that I/we order-in delicious, healthy food and/or eat at good restaurants on a regular basis.

I am overjoyed:
• that I am a successful, influential, and well-known inspiring author/writer, dynamic coach/mentor/trainer/speaker/teacher, healer/salesperson/employee/ internet or network marketer/manager/leader/supervisor/operator/desk jockey/civil servant, labourer/bureaucrat/worker/homemaker/ …your title.
• that I am sharing my knowledge of the Law of Attraction/ abundance and prosperity/relationships/ finance/new thought and spiritual principles/health and weight loss/EFT/Seniors Care/motorcycle riding/supervision, management, and leadership …
• that I am a prosperous and well-respected business person/employer/employee/partner, a committed and active member of my spiritual community/club/organization, and a highly regarded instructor/consultant/ board or committee member/volunteer.
• that every day I take the opportunity of developing, expanding, and simplifying my business/job and increasing my customer/client/consumer base
• that I am an awakened millionaire/philanthropist, contributing generously to various charities, tithing to my spiritual home/community/mosque/church/synagogue, donating blood and gifting of myself, assisting and supporting my children, the poor and destitute, and helping my local government/state/province/country/neighborhood/humanity…

I so pleased:
• that I am a financially free enlightened entrepreneur/person with over a …. dollars in various safe and secure ethical investments providing me with a comfortable monetary return
• that I am blessed with a generous pension/income/alimony/profit/commission and a lucrative business
• that I receive frequent and unexpected financial surprises
• that I regularly win opulent prizes

I am so appreciative:
• that I have excellent cash flow and an annual after-tax/net income of well over ….. dollars
For My Highest Good and The Highest Good of everyone around me.
This or something even better still.
And so it is!
Thank You, Universe/Divine Energy/Source/God etc.

There you have it.

If you have any questions, just contact me using the form under the “contents” tab.

Keep manifesting 🙂
If interested in getting on my e-mailing list click here.

How to Define Your Mission

Ok. Let’s start with your life purpose. Your mission this time ’round/During this embodiment/In this lifetime.

Perhaps it can go something like this:

It is my Mission and Life Purpose:
• To have fun and to be happy.
• To experience joy and savor the succulent sweetness of life.
• To be a good [fill in the blank – spouse/husband/wife, partner, parent, grandparent, uncle/aunt, friend, provider, child, sibling/brother/sister, employer, owner, employee, relative, teacher, pupil, etc.]
• To be a dedicated student and patient teacher of spiritual values, acting as a channel for healing, joy, peace and abundance and an expression and manifestation of forgiveness, gratitude, love, beauty and truth.
• To be a servant of the Divine/Source/Universe, helping to make the world a better place for everyone.

You can write out your own version for yourself.
For some reason, writing it out by hand tends to implant it deeper into your subconscious.
You can then repeat it regularly as part of your daily practice/ritual. And maybe post it on your bathroom mirror.  😎
Which will put you further in tune with the Law of Attraction.

Keep manifesting  😆

If interested in getting on my e-mailing list click here.

How to Manifest Your Wants and Expectations

Compilation of blogs on tools to help you manifest abundance


Putting out your order to the Universe is manifesting!

But what  should it look like?

Here’s my order, adapted from one developed by Mike Dooley of “TUT” fame.

I repeat my order daily, and the abundance in my life just keeps flowing!


Total joy, peace, and abundance,
Numerous friends and much laughter,
Great wealth and absolute prosperity,
A beautiful and welcoming home,
Excellent physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health,
Many loving and nurturing relationships,
Fulfilling, creative and fun-filled “work”/livelihood,
Amazing/uplifting life experiences including world travel.

And so it is! This or something better still. For my highest good and that of everyone around me. Thank you, Source.

Now, you can change it anyway you want for your own purposes.

And then –  repeat it regularly as part of your daily practice – your manifestation ritual.

Keep manifesting  😆


If interested in getting on my e-mailing list click here.


Welcome To My Blog


Hi friend. Welcome to my Blog!

I must say, I’m quite excited about my new website and the fact that I finally got it set up and functioning.

It’s been a long and winding road.

I plan to blog every couple of weeks or so and provide you with great content about my favorite subjects – Abundance and the Law of Attraction.

The Law has worked for me and my family in so many ways. I have manifested a life for myself that I used to only dream about. I have achieved happiness, prosperity, great health [including my perfect weight], a wonderful internet enterprise, and a fantastic relationship with my wife.

Together we can make it work for you.

Keep manifesting 🙂


P.S. Some of my blogs will be password protected and only available to my subscribers on a time limited basis. To join the AbundanceTogether community as a subscriber click here.

P.P.S. check out my free report