Sabbath Smabbeth! It’s Not What You Think.


So, what’s this about celebrating a Sabbath?  Does anyone really do it anymore?Do you?

What the heck is a Sabbath anyway? Is it on Saturday or Sunday? Or another day of the week? Who says we should celebrate a Sabbath? 

Well, my Sabbath happens every day.  And this is how I celebrate it. And you can too! Easy Peasy as they say.

To me, a Sabbath is a time-out, with a purpose. It’s a chance for me and you to make conscious contact with the Divine – the Spirit or Source. It does not require a whole day or even a major part of a day. It can be at anytime when you pause, perhaps closing your eyes, and turn within. You will return to the present moment after this short Sabbath pause, feeling renewed and refreshed. Full of creative energy and enthusiasm to move on with your day, handling the stresses of your life with greater ease.

Now the Sabbath “pause” is about resting your mind as you become quiet and go within. You can observe this Sabbath at anytime since it is merely a state of consciousness. It’s a moment of rest. A pause of silence. There are no rules about how often it must be done, where, or for how long. So create your own sabbath. Find your rest and your peace.

The Sabbath that many of us know is an institution that was established by human beings based on sacred scriptures. It generally refers to taking the 7th day to refresh and restore oneself. However we also read that  “The sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the sabbath” [Mark 2:27] So, it does not matter if you dedicate a day, an hour , or only a few moment as your special Sabbath. 

Rev. Elizabeth Longo suggests that you “Unplug your phone and take a rest from all technology for at least an hour a day. Instead, plug into Spirit – pray, meditate, and write”. 

What do I do? Well, I  have a daily morning spiritual practice whereby I meditate, do some visioning, review my purpose and goals, write in my gratitude journal, state affirmations, complete some tapping [EFT], and read some spiritual literature. All before checking my I-phone or computer for e-mails, messages, notices etc. Yeah – I know. Being semi-retired gives me quite a bit of time freedom.

The other “Sabbath” type thing I do is every hour on the hour, while awake, is repeat a denial and an affirmation. I have set an alarm on my watch to beep hourly as my wife’s large clock in the living room of our house dongs out the time. I pause, sometimes close my eyes, [depends on where I am or if I’m walking, running, driving or riding my motorcycle or bicycle] get quiet, go within, and state the following [usually under my breath or just in my head]:

“I release fear, anger, judgement, criticism and blame. I affirm, attract and promote love, peace, joy, truth, beauty, gratitude, forgiveness, and abundance.”

So, if you want to try something like that – feel free. I encourage you to do so. Works for me. Might work for you too! Create your own Sabbath. Find your rest and your peace.

“As you take the time to cultivate your beautifully unique Sabbath experience, may the light that is you shine brighter than ever before, and may your many Sabbath moments always be a time that refreshes your soul.” Rev. Kathy Beasley.


Keep manifesting good things 🙂

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