13 Affirmations of a Prosperous Spirit

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Dr. Joe Vitale wrote “The Awakened Millionaire – A Manifesto”

In that neat book he shared with us his 13 affirmations

For achieving spiritual and financial success.

They are declarations for you – the spiritual entrepreneur

I’ve adapted them for you so that you can use them to help you achieve

Total abundance!

Here goes:

I affirm that as a divine embodiment of prosperity

1. I am driven first by my passion, purpose, and mission.
2. I use money as a soulful tool to make a positive impact.
3. I am persistently empowered, believing in myself absolutely.
4. I am committed to growing, improving, reinventing, and always discovering.
5. I am unshakably bold, taking calculated risks, and not hesitating.
6. I am guided by the soulful resonance of my intuition.
7. I know wealth is everything that I have, not just money.
8. I hold a deep gratitude for all that I have and achieve.
9. I am permanently connected to Universal abundance.
10. I am generous, ethical, and focused on the good of others.
11. I champion the spirit of win–win–win for all concerned.
12. I soulfully share my entrepreneurial gifts.
13. I lead by example as the catalyst for transformation in others.

I see the face of the Divine in everyone I meet, and I take baby steps in the direction of my dreams, every day!

This or something even better still.

For my highest good and the highest good of everyone around me.

And so it is.

Thank you, divine intelligence. 

Keep manifesting only good things 🙂 

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