Making Your Life Into Your Ministry

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Is your job/career/business/livelihood your ministry?
If not, why not?
On the other hand, what does it have to do with ministry anyway?

A while ago a close friend of mine asked me how my ministry was going.
I must admit that at first I almost felt offended by his use of that term.
I did not see what I did through AbundanceTogether as a “Ministry”.
To me, the word ministry had religious connotations.
While I thought of myself as spiritual, I did not consider myself religious.

And then, the next day, as I was re-reading Marianne Williamson’s phenomenal best seller “A Return To Love”.
I turned the page and, in her chapter on Work,  there it was.
A subheading called – Ministry. And this is some of what it said:
“Think of your career as your ministry. Make your work an expression for love, in service to mankind.”
“We all have the same job: to minister to human hearts.”
“Any job can become a ministry, as long as it is dedicated to love.”

Serendipity or what?
So now I feel that yes – what I do is a ministry – in the best sense of the word.
Service to others.
In love.
Now, you only get to keep what you give away.
Inspired by a vision of a healed world.
So, I’ve dedicated my life to ministering to you and to the world.

As it was once said in the Daily Word:
“Only by being of service to others I most fully express my unique gifts for myself. In serving others I am fulfilling my highest spiritual purpose.”

Keep manifesting 🙂

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