So, What’s Love Got To Do With It?

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Why is it so hard to love?

Part of my purpose on this little blue orb called Planet Earth, this time around, in addition to having fun, being happy, experiencing joy, and savouring the succulent sweetness of life, is to be loving. To love fully, freely and completely.

You see, I had always found it difficult to say I love you. For some reason I had to force myself to say it, even to my kids and to my wife. Somehow it made me feel very vulnerable, and I was afraid of being hurt. Now compare that to a number of guys I knew who would tell almost every girl they met that they loved them, just to get laid. Wow. No wonder I never scored very much. 🙂

But over time, I have learned to open up. I’ve become more able to express my love and affection, both verbally and physically. “A kiss and a peck and a hug around the neck”. And that’s why at the end of each e-mail that I send to members of the AbundanceTogether community, I tell them that I love them. The real them. Not the fake persona that they may sometimes present. I mean their higher, true selves.

And I have come to realize that unless I find myself loveable – unless I learn to love myself – I can’t really love anyone else. Can’t put the cart before the horse if you will. So as I have learned to love myself more I have learned to love others more, and have been able to better say and show it.

Let’s take a look at what Marianne Williamson says about this subject. I recall reading her book A RETURN TO LOVE: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles, years ago. It had a tremendous influence on me [and Oprah too]!

You can watch a short video of her speaking about love HERE, or for a much longer interview, HERE.

Marianne tells us that there are only two core emotions, love and fear. “The relationship of love to fear is the same as the relationship of light to dark” “Fear is the absence of love, and when love is present, fear is gone. So there are one of two ways to live. One is to be at the mercy of all the fear. The other is to devote your life to love, where fear is cast out.” So what you and I need to do is always choose love.

She goes on to say: “Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.”  Neat, huh?

In the book The Way of Transformation Jeshua says “Only Love is Real” so, take a few moments just to breathe in Universal life energy through your violet/white crown chakra and exhale love through your green heart chakra. That’s what I do every morning during my meditation practice.

Why? Well, what I am desperately trying to accomplish in all of my relationships and in all situations is to love more. Now, is it easy? Nope, but it keeps getting easier the more I work on it. It’s like building a muscle. A love muscle [if you’ll excuse the term]. Please join me.

I love you.

Hm, that wasn’t so hard.

Altogether now. All you need is love. All you need is love. All you need is love, love. Love is all you need.” It’s from the song All You Need is Love by the Beatles. Check it out HERE

Keep manifesting only good things 🙂 

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