The Vacuum Law of Prosperity

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I was recently re-reading the book called The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder. I was once again very impressed by her chapter on “The Vacuum Law of Prosperity” where she talks about the fact that nature abhors a vacuum. Why does someone who is trying very hard to be prosperous, thinking along prosperous lines, and taking steps towards achieving his or her goals continue to fail? Well, it is likely the fact that she/he needs to invoke this vacuum law of prosperity.

Basically, that law states that if you want greater good and greater prosperity in your life you need to create a vacuum for receiving it. In other words, you need to get rid of what you don’t want to make room for that what you do want. For example, getting rid of furniture in your house, clothes in your closet, and people in your life to make room for something new and better. You need to release and let go of something to make room for the “new thing”. New things do not flow easily into a situation, house, or closet which is cluttered and crowded.

This law applies not only in the physical plane of life, but in the spiritual and mental planes as well. So, let’s talk about forgiveness. Forgiveness is the process which forms a vacuum and allows for new good to rush in. Often, when a stubborn problem does not resolve itself, it’s because there is the need for forgiveness. You see, it’s important to let go of fixed ideas, attitudes, and opinions to make way for the new. To make way for happier and more joyful experiences. Why is practising forgiveness so critical?  It’s because you have many negative subconscious attitudes stored with your emotions. Attitudes that you are not consciously aware of. You need to relieve yourself of and free a lot of these old and buried emotions and attitudes. Through this release, your power of attracting “good” things increases.

When you have released, let go, and created a vacuum for your prosperity to enter, you need to do what you can to affect the feeling of abundance in your life. Think, say and act as if you are prosperous. Never think of yourself as being poor or needy. And as you create this vacuum and let go of what you do not want; as you use your current supply to meet your current needs; and as you live your life as richly as possible, rich results will come your way. Always think in terms of rich universal abundance that is everywhere. You need to learn to let go, to give up and to make room for the things that you want, that you are working for, and that you desire. When you cling to the old, you hinder your forward advancement into the prosperous life you deserve and are meant to experience.

Keep manifesting only good things 🙂 

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