Why We Are All In Recovery

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So, are you in recovery? Are you addicted?

I was recently asked: “Are you in recovery Tony? You seem to regularly refer to sobriety, freedom from addiction and being, or getting, clean in some of your e-mails and sometimes on your blog.”
Well, here’s my answer – no – I am personally not in recovery from any particular substance.

But I did, and still do, have friends and relatives who are, or have been, addicted – to drugs or alcohol.
Yes-  I used to smoke [tobacco as well as some grass and hash ] but broke that habit a long time ago. I also used to be a news junkie – reading the daily paper, wading through at least 2 newsmagazines a week, watching the TV news and listening to radio reports – every hour on the hour. But I’ve let that go as well.

I still enjoy a good cup of coffee [or 2 or 3] every morning, and a tumbler of single malt scotch, a cold bottle of beer, or a glass of red wine [or more] at the end of the day.

The main things that I am still in recovery from are: judgment, criticism, and blame – of myself and of others. Oh yes – and negative thinking. Are you recovering from those things as well?

So I’m taking it one day at a time – releasing myself from self-destructive thought patterns and beliefs. Replacing them with a positive mindset.

Remember the Serenity Prayer? It’s by Reinhold Niebuhr.
“God give me the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I can’t and the wisdom to know the difference.” Easier said than done right?

I once posted a plaque featuring that saying on my wall, by the door, outside my office, at a new workplace. One of the senior managers approached me a couple of days later, asked me if I was a friend of Bill’s and showed me an unusual coin.

I suddenly realized that she was a member of AA and thought that I was as well. I explained to her that I was not and that the prayer that she referred to as the “Alcoholics Anonymous Creed” applied to anyone. Anyone who struggles with fear, worry, panic, anxiety or stress. Anyone who needs to surrender to a higher power.

As Joan Borysenko says in Pocketful of Miracles:”Surrender to the things that can’t be changed is one of the keys to peace of mind. In other words – What is, is, and I can handle it”

It’s being receptive to new attitudes, ideas perspectives, creativity, open-mindedness, and possibility. It’s not quitting or giving up. It’s trusting in your own higher self. It’s recovering from negativity.

And we can do it together.

In closing, if you are overwhelmed by alcohol or know someone who is, please check out “The 30 Day Sobriety Solution“, co-authored by Jack Canfield. It could be a lifesaver.


Keep manifesting 🙂

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