You Are An Artist

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Yes, you are an artist!

As Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. [2021 New Thought Walden Award honouree and author of The Mastery of Self and 4 other spiritual books] says:

“…I am an artist, and the canvas for my work of art is my life.

The instruments I’m going to use to create that work of art are my body, my mind, my intent, and my will.

I can create the most perfect nightmare or the most harmonious dream – and to be honest, it usually fluctuates between the two.

I am the artist of my life because only I get to perceive life from my own unique point of view.

That is the same for all of us.”

Yes, you and me!

So, here is a prayer for you

It is adapted from Julia Cameron’s An Artist’s Prayer.

Hope you like it and apply it to your daily living

Oh, great Spirit.

I want to be of greater service to you and to my fellow humans.

I offer myself to you as an instrument.

I open myself to your creativity in my life.

I surrender to you my old ideas and I welcome your new and more expansive ideas.

I trust that you will lead me, and I trust that it is safe to follow you.

I know that you created me, and that creativity is your nature, as it is mine.

I ask you to unfold my life according to your plan, not my low self-worth.

Help me to believe that it is not too late to be healed.

That I am not too small or too flawed to be made whole by you and through others.

Help me to love others, to nurture their unfolding, to encourage their growth,

and to understand their fears.

Help me to know that I am not alone and that I am loved and lovable.

Help me to create a life of love, joy, wonder and absolute delight.

You create every day.

Creativity is your nature.

Your life is a work of art.

Keep manifesting only good things  
Tony 🙂

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