What Is It That You Really Want For Your Children?

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What is it that you really want for your children?
And for all of the children of the world.

I was recently re-reading a book called What Do You Want For Your Children.
It’s a classic by the late great Wayne Dyer,
One of my top spiritual mentors.
The last time I read it was in my 30’s and I lost it,
Along with all the other books and tapes of Wayne‘s that I had,
My Kurt Vonnegut Junior book collection,
My library of books, musical tapes and albums and various other important items
In a house fire, late on a cold January night.

Anyway, a while ago, I purchased 4 used copies of the book from Amazon
[they should pay me for promoting them so often 🙂 ]
One each for my two daughters
And a third for my brother to share with his three children, all of whom have children of their own.
The fourth one I planned to read and keep for myself.

The one great truth that I’ve gotten out of it?
That to be a good parent or, in my case, grandparent
I need to be a good example
I need to set a good example of being a self-actualized human being!
And to do so I need to work on myself
And become a better member of the human race.
I need to remember that I am one in spirit with all other beings on this planet.
That we are not separate and that we are all connected.
That I am one with everyone and everything in the universe

And what I want most for the children of the world is happiness!
Unbridled joy.
Limitless mirth
And total peace love, wonder and absolute delight.
So – Teach Your Children Well

By The Way: Have you recently listened to the song Teach Your Children by CSNY [Crosby, Stills Nash & Young] ?
Check out the live version out HERE. 
And the Official Music Video HERE. 

Watch them both and keep manifesting only good things 🙂 

If interested in getting a free copy of my mini e-book  click here