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Why do you need to have a Vision Statement?
Why should you have one, and is it really just a waste of time?

Well, here’s an update to my January 2018 post on the subject:

If you don’t know what you want, how will you ever get it?
You need to be clear about what you want and what you expect.
When you achieve this clarity of vision, when you define it, you can then more easily manifest it.
Once you define it, you release and let go.
And let the Universe, through the Law of Attraction, work for you.
Yes, you need to do your share of the work.
And it starts with defining who you are and what you want.
That’s your Mission [Purpose] and your Vision.
First – Mission [check out my blog on this].
And once you define your life purpose/mission, you can then take the next step.
It’s developing your Vision.

What are the items that you might want to address in your vision?
How about such things as:
• Relationships, love, marriage, family, and friends
• House and home
• Travel and transportation
• Self-development and education [courses and learnings]
• Experiences, recreation and use of free time
• Career, livelihood, business, job and community contributions
• Prosperity, money, finances
• Success and achievement
• Material things, clothing, jewellery
• Spirituality or religion

Start by jotting down your personal vision for yourself in the areas noted above.
If you already have a vision for yourself, then you can add, delete, amend and expand to your heart’s delight.
And it’s done in the affirmative. Nothing negative!
Let’s use a process that was taught to me by life coach Mary Morrissey in her Prosperity Plus and Prosperity Plus II courses.
It starts by expressing gratitude prior to each statement in our vision.
Gratitude for each area in which you are now manifesting abundance, or where you intend to.
For example: I love, I am thrilled, I am so joyful, I am grateful, I am so happy, I am so thankful, I am so pleased, I am overjoyed, I am so appreciative…
Followed by: that…….
Let’s take a look at a sample –  a template.
They will be very loosely modelled after my own personal vision. Fill in the blanks with your own choices.

Here we go:

MY VISION [for myself and my life] I am blessed, delighted, and happy. I rejoice and celebrate.
1. I am so grateful:
-that I have found inner serenity, contentment and peace, joy and bliss
-that I thrive in my sobriety
-that each day I can challenge myself to stretch my limits and step outside of my comfort zone
-that every day I am a little better than the day before in thoughts, words, and actions
-that I afford and do all that I enjoy and all that I want to have and be doing
-that I’m living to a healthy and vigorous …..
For My Best and Highest Good and that of everyone around me. This or something even better still.
And so it is! Thank You, Divine Energy.

2. I love:
-that I am fit and healthy, ….. lbs./kilos, strong and flexible, sober and energetic, vibrant and mentally alert;
-that I exercise/work out/stretch/invert/jog and run/ bike/swim/walk/hike, do Tabata, yoga, Pilates, spinning daily, and experience refreshing and restful sleep each night.
-that I consume only quality nutrition, am well hydrated, and eat healthy meals and snacks that I have blessed with gratitude
-that I hold only positive thoughts and release all negative energy
-that my angels, beings of light, and spirit guides assist and support me throughout each day
For My Best and Highest Good and that of everyone around me. This or something even better still. And so it is! Thank You, Divine Energy.

3. I am so thankful and blessed:
-that I have a special and sacred daily morning routine which includes meditating, visioning, reflecting, praying, affirming, mirror working, journaling, and reading inspirational, uplifting, and motivational literature
-that I have a special and sacred sleep time routine that includes visioning, praying and affirming
-that I maintain a regular routine of denials, affirmations, proclamations and prayer every hour on the hour during my waking hours.
-that I regularly express loving, forgiving and grateful thoughts, affirm peace, joy, beauty, compassion, truth, sobriety and abundance
-that compassionate, loving kindness and healing energy flow to me and through me to all who need it
-that I consistently deny and refuse fear, anger, and doubt, and release/clear out judgement, criticism, negativity,  and blame
-that I regularly release feelings of resentment, disappointment, condescension, condemnation, fault-finding, disapproval, regret, guilt, shame, and self-pity.
For My Best and Highest Good and that of everyone around me. This or something even better still. And so it is! Thank You, Divine Energy.

4. I am thrilled:                                                                                                                             –that …. and I are living in a fully paid beautiful townhouse/bungalow/mansion/duplex/ranch home in a friendly and welcoming condo development/community/neighbourhood in the city/town/village of….., by the pool/lake/stream/river/ravine/park, up on the bluffs, in the desert, up in the mountains, in the country, downtown.
-that we own a great time-share/cottage/cabin/chalet/camp/condo at ….. where we vacation for a week/month each summer/winter/fall/spring.
-that we regularly visit with family and friends and in turn welcome and host them in our home and ………
-that I touch base monthly with my brother/s/sister/s, mentees, best friends, sons/daughters
For My Best and Highest Good and that of everyone around me. This or something even better still. And so it is! Thank You, Divine Energy.

5. I am so joyful and delighted:
-that I have excellent, fun-filled, supportive, empowering and rewarding relationships with my family – wife/husband/partner/spouse, our  daughters/sons/children, their husbands/wives/partners and pets,  grandkids; our pets; relatives; numerous friends, mentees, acquaintances co-workers/staff/boss and business associates.
-that I have ample time and money allowing me/us to regularly travel to beautiful destinations, and wonderful places, including ……..
-that we are taking ocean and river cruises and are spending relaxing times in gorgeous accommodations, including hotels, cottages, cabins and resorts around the world.
-that I am enjoying riding my motorcycle/ATV/scooter/e-bike and driving my 4WD SUV/convertible/sedan/hybrid/van/truck/sports car, and that …… and I go on an annual extended road trip.
For My Best and Highest Good and that of everyone around me. This or something even better still. And so it is! Thank You, Divine Energy.

6. I am so pleased:
-that I am a financially free philanthropist and benefactor with over …… dollars in various safe and secure ethical investments [mutual funds, ETF’s, crypto, precious metals] providing me with a healthy monetary return
-that I am blessed with a generous pension/income/alimony/profit/commission, a lucrative business, and rewarding employment
-that I receive frequent and unexpected financial gifts and surprises
-that I regularly win opulent prizes, winnings and awards
-that I am privy to wonderful financial opportunities
For My Best and Highest Good and that of everyone around me. This or something even better still. And so it is! Thank You, Divine Energy.

7. I am so happy:
-that I am taking on-line and in-class courses at home and around the world in …….
-that I have developed an expertise in ………
-that I find ample time to sing in a choir, listen to music, play my guitar, attend/watch theatre, concerts, lectures, seminars, workshops, and trainings, play my favourite sports/games/musical instruments, attend meetings of my club/organisation/team/company/school/church/spiritual community/group; practice my hobbies/avocations, write my daily morning pages and ……..
-that I/we frequently hike, visit galleries and museums, and regularly watch quality movies and good TV series
-that every day I read educational and uplifting books, magazines and newsletters, visit positive websites, watch inspirational videos and listen to motivational and healing audios.
-that I/we have amazing dining experiences, ordering-in delicious, healthy food and/or eating at good restaurants on a ….. basis.
For My Best and Highest Good and that of everyone around me. This or something even better still. And so it is! Thank You, Divine Energy.

8. I am overjoyed
-that I am a successful, influential and well-known internet/network marketer, digital publisher, inspiring author/writer, dynamic coach,  healer/salesperson/employee/manager/leader/supervisor/operator/desk jockey/civil servant/labourer/bureaucrat/worker/homemaker…..
-that I am an accomplished motivational speaker, teacher, mentor, trainer, and public lecturer
-that I am sharing my knowledge of abundance and prosperity, metaphysics, relationships and finance, new thought and spiritual principles, health and weight loss, EFT, motorcycle riding, supervision, management, leadership………
-that I am a prosperous and well-respected businessperson/employer/partner and a committed and active member of my spiritual community/club/organisation
-that I am a highly regarded employee, contractor, board member and volunteer.
-that every day I take the opportunity of developing, expanding, and simplifying my business/job and increasing my audience/customer/client/consumer base
-that I have over ….. active followers/consumers on Facebook and my Website and am getting more every day
-that I am a spiritual entrepreneur, an awakened millionaire/philanthropist, contributing generously to various charities and my spiritual community/mosque/church/temple/synagogue, donating blood, and assisting and supporting my/our children. the poor and destitute, and helping my local neighbourhood government/state/province/country/ humanity. 
For My Best and Highest Good and that of everyone around me. This or something even better still. And so it is! Thank You, Divine Energy.

9. I am so appreciative:
-that I operate a successful and profitable internet business enterprise where I provide and share quality content and resources about spirituality, personal development, abundance manifestation and the Law of Attraction with my on-line community
-that I am able to express my passion for supporting, inspiring, encouraging and helping people solve their problems and improve their lives through my business, speaking engagements, and through other various business/employment/contract opportunities.
-that I am helping people to become the best that they can be, empowering and motivating them, providing them with inspired solutions, and assisting them to achieve abundance in all areas of their lives [health, wealth, career and relationships]
-that I have excellent cash flow and an annual after-tax/net income of well over $…….
For My Best and Highest Good and that of everyone around me. This or something even better still. And so it is! Thank You, Divine Energy.

There you have it! Hope it helped.

If you have any questions, just contact me using the form under the “contents” tab or just e-mail me at torvidas@abundancetogether.com

NAMASTE and SAWUBONA. Keep manifesting only good things 🙂

If interested in getting a free copy of my mini e-book  click here